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Meeting John Howe & Alan Lee

Saint-Ursanne, 2. September 2007

Am letzten Tag seiner Ausstellung "Saint-Ursanne La Fantastique" lud John Howe zusammen mit Allan Lee ein. Beide sind Konzept-Künstler der Herr der Ringe-Filme und Illustratoren von Tolkien-Literatur. Wiederum konnten wir einige Bases, Kunstdrucke und Bücher von den beiden signieren lassen.

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Saint-Ursanne, Sept, 2, 2007

On the last day of his exhibition "Saint-Ursanne La Fantastique", John Howe invitend to a signing together with Alan Lee. Both are Conceptual Artist for the Lord Of The Rings movies and illustrators of Tolkien literature. We took the opportunity to get some bases, lithographs and books signed.

Click on a picture for a larger view:

John Howe signing his book "Myth and Magic"

John Howe signing "The Argonath" lithograph

Alan Lee signing "The Morgul Lord" base (previously signed by Brigitte Wuest and John Howe)

Alan Lee signing "The Ringwraith on Steed" base (previously signed by John Howe)

Alan Lee signing a copy of "The Children of Hurin"

Goliath and Mrs. Goliath waiting in line